Ideas on How to Balance School and Life

The pursuit of a productive school-life balance is a personal journey, and the ideas in this article are important suggestions. For some, it may be taking out an hour from their day to do a few lengths of the pool as they listen to a podcast. For others, it might be going for a walk before dinner or finishing homework before watching TV. These are just some possibilities for how you can find time in your day to invest in yourself and cultivate balance.

It is not always easy to find balance in our lives. Our hectic schedules and the pull of technology mean that we often struggle to find the time for the most important things. And yet, without some form of balance, we will not reach our full potential.

1. Make boundaries

One way to find time is by making boundaries. It may sound obvious, but it is a bit more complicated than it first appears. Some people have found that setting boundaries can help them find time for exercise, write in their journal, or – yes – even read a book. No matter what you do as part of your self-care routine, you need to make sure that you are doing something that makes you happy and helps you feel like yourself.

2. Focus on time management by aligning to priorities and setting the goals

Another way to find time is by focusing on time management. It can include making a schedule, setting a budget, or any other form of planning. However, it is worth remembering that everyone has different needs for this kind of activity. For example, some people may prefer to write down their goals and priorities more concretely. In contrast, others may work better with establishing an idea of what they want to achieve and then breaking it down into more manageable tasks.

3. Remember rest and recuperation

As you work towards a balance in your life, it is important to remember that rest and recuperation are necessary. It means making time for relaxing activities that are not stressful or required by school or work. It also means taking time for hobbies and basic necessities such as eating, sleeping, and showering regularly. To stay healthy, happy, and productive, it is important to take regular rest periods throughout the day.

4. Device a reward system once you achieve your goals

To stay motivated, get something to aim towards. If you find yourself struggling to make progress on a certain goal, then it might be wise to create a reward system. It could be as simple as rewarding yourself with a new piece of clothing or buying a book you have yearned to read. There are plenty of other ideas for rewards and incentives that you might wish to consider.

5. Power down through mindfulness

It might seem counter-intuitive to suggest that taking technology out of your life could help you achieve balance. However, there are plenty of apps, alternate web browsers, and extensions that can help you detach from the world of the internet and social media for a while each day. One example of how this could work is the app known as Self Control. It helps you block certain websites for some time by temporarily overriding your internet connection. This kind of application allows you to step away from technology and onto a different path for a while.

6. Avoid baggage

The word ‘baggage’ can refer to several different things. It might relate to bad habits such as smoking or physical problems such as back pain. In this article, the term refers to any negative habit that negatively affects your mental wellbeing. To find balance in your life, it is important to avoid bringing any baggage into it – and this means letting go of anything that feels like a burden on your mind or body.

7. The support system

No amount of self-care will help you meet your goals if you don’t have the support system to back you up. It could be a partner, a family member, or even a friend. But whatever form it takes, it is important to find someone who understands what you are trying to achieve and how you will feel when you finally achieve it. When balanced, knowing that you have the support of such an individual can go a long way towards helping you stay on course.


The world is often in a hurry. With the internet, cell phones, emails, notifications, and social media constantly at our fingertips, it can be easy to feel like life is spinning past us before we even know it. However, taking a step back and using some of the suggestions outlined in this guide will help you stay on course with the things that matter most to you.

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